Monday, September 21, 2015

Top 10 book blog

    So this is a list of my top 10 favorite books. See if you like any of the books here yourself.

Number 10:The Lockdown series. This series is a sort of fantasy-horror-dystopia series about a boy who gets locked in a prison called Furnace for a crime he didn't commit, and endures a series of horrific human rights violations and experiments until he comes out looking like...
 This influenced me because it was just so darn creepy,  I just had to write this down. It's a delicious series.

Number 9:The Joe Ledger series. This follows a cop-turned secret agent who is with the Department of Military Services (DMS) busting stuff like racial-targeting pathogens, zombifying Liberty Bell replacements, weaponized get the idea. There is a lot of violence and swearing, but...if that's your cup of milk then I'm not going to stop you.

Number 8:Infected and its sequels.  Do you like aliens, pandemics, and extremely evil 7-year old girls? This trilogy has that in spades, as well as swearing and violence. (I do not condone such behavior, by the way.) The reason I wrote this down is because my favorite character is Chelsea, that evil 7-year old kid from earlier. Plus I love those blue triangles. Also, these guys have embedded themselves near Connor from Unwind.

Number 7:Unwind. This one has a series as well, but anyways, this depicts an America where the pro-life, pro-choice thing has gone out of hand, creating a Second Civil War, which led to essentially live organ harvesting. Creepy stuff. This influenced me by resonating with my "mild dislike" (sarcastic Max is sarcastic) of doctors, and of course my love of exploding things. I also find that Neal Shustermann is good enough at writing that the characters flow off the page, and embed themselves in your brain.

Number 6:Gregor the Overlander. It depicts a world under Central Park where there are sentient giant cave creatures. Gregor and his baby sister enter this world, and some weird stuff happens. I wrote this down because I love me some giant bats. Also, even at the saddest moments, the little sister says something that makes you laugh till you cry, or at least lighten the mood. Thanks, Suzanne Collins!!

Number 5:Some of you probably knew this was gonna be up here someplace. The 5th Wave is my favorite book of all time, just because of how radically changed the world is. It's so awesome! It follows a girl close to our age trying to find her brother and save what remains of the world. The twist is two words:alien snipers. Yeah. Just read it for the awesome.

Number 4:TEST is a book where the world is clogged with pollution, and if you don't pass the XCAS test, you are pretty much skreebled. School is pretty much focused on inane test questions that confused me. Then the teacher has a stress induced heart attack, and class looks kind of normal for a while. All this time, there are two subplots that end with a nose fracture, a test rebellion, and a happy ending for all except the test-maker's daughter's nose.

Number 3:Maximum Ride.This one is about a sort of family of bird-people who occasionally save the world while being chased by doctors and werewolves. This was the book that slipped the term "whitecoat" into my vocabulary, as well as making me laugh a few times each book.

Number 2:World War Z. The most detailed zombie apocalypse book out there, detailing what happened to over 20 countries, as well as focusing on multiple points of view, rather than just being a book about a single hero.

Number 1:Ashfall. This trilogy takes place during an eruption of Yellowstone and the subsequent volcanic winter. There are a lot of bizarre factions, as well as an execution scene, but apart from that, it's a regular world, sans electronics, food supply, and anesthetics, among other things. Best apocalyptic anything ever.

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Friday, September 18, 2015

All about me!

Hi, I’m Max. I’m a 7th grade student living in Illinois with Mom, Dad, one sister, and a pair of rather talkative kitties.
            I like cheese, video games, reading, and school among other things. My favorite kinds of video games are single-player because people can be jerks in online games.  My favorite animal is the cat. I should probably wrap this up…bye!