Thursday, October 15, 2015

Blog for Week 10/14/15-Veiled by Benedict Jacka

Prompts used:
Create a ‘WANTED’ poster for the antagonist.

List the reasons why another person should or should not read this.
 The book I'm reading is Veiled by Benedict Jacka. So far, I've read from pages 1 to 262.

 The book Veiled is about a mage, named Alex Verus, who lives in London. He can't do flashy stuff like manipulate fire, but he can see possible futures, which allow him to pull off tricks that have a million to one chance of succeeding. After 5 books worth of escapades, Alex is getting attacked by both mage factions, Light and Dark (like Sith and Jedi), because of this shiny green marble called a data focus. Then, he goes up against an organization named White Rose, with help from the magical police (Keepers) and wrecks it.

The Organization Known As White Rose
-child abduction, slavery, and abuse
-running an unspeakable business

Reasons Why Another Person Should Not Read This
Aside from the fact that it is the sixth book in a series, here are some reasons against reading it: The thing has a few adult references, which I am not going to state here. It also has rather graphic depictions and a few profanities. There are also some magical depictions that are...extremely violent. Other than that, you are good to go!
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1 comment:

  1. I like your post. Your poster is like what I picture in my head, somebody taking something innocent and making it evil. I think would read this book even if it has a few important reasons not to.
