Friday, April 8, 2016

Third Quarter Reflection Blog

      Well, the end of third quarter is nigh. This means—you guessed it—another reflection blog must be written.
      I think the area I have most improved in (ELA wise) during this quarter is my writing skills. Before this, I wasn't as good with stuff like poetry, but practice makes perfect, as they say. The "practice" that I did produce was pretty good, however. Just look at my AoW poem, "An Apology by a Toxic Metal." Despite the bad subject material, it worked! My rhyming also improved, though that may be because of my genetically ingrained humorous tendencies. (That is actually a thing that's been proven.)
      Something I've accomplished this year is staying atop the monstrosity mudslide machine labor that is homework. In the beginning of the year, I missed a few assignments via inadvertent circumstances ingrained protocols incorrect assumptions logical errors. In second quarter, I still kind of muddled along with the homework. This quarter, I truly picked up steam (although that may have been because I really didn't want to miss Shadowhunters, and possibly because of technological shortcuts). I am now able to accomplish certain assignments much faster, but they haven't invented a machine that can copy people's handwriting into a notebook, so that's what really takes up time. I should probably try to invent that, because automation is fun.
        The most challenging part of third quarter was staying organized. One time, my homework sticky note was nearly rendered useless by a real-life problem (Mrs. Larson subbing for Mrs. Pancer).
If she assigned homework I couldn't put it anywhere on the note, as it was categorized by teacher. She didn't assign homework that day, luckily. I then added "subjects taught" into my sticky to prevent such an error from wreaking havoc again. The other problem was more files were being created than I could organize. To fix that, I buckled down, color tagged my folders, and organized their contents. The next step is to organize my downloads into this system. The third step is to feed my google drive files and Photobooth pictures in. Once all that is done, I can put all that into a single folder, transfer it onto a USB, and have 7th grade life all backed up.

Enjoy fourth quarter and whatever secrets that may hold.

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