Thursday, November 10, 2016

Election Reflection Blog (Sigh...)

      First things first....why? There is no way this has actually happened. I can't believe it. thoughts on the results of this election? Well...I think I understand what we've just witnessed. As most of Trump's expected wins were in rural states, and he appealed to their platform, that makes sense. As for how he still won with that, I'll explain. Trump figured out the way to win unexpectedly: Win the electors of the 10 to 20 states (mostly rural) that have 20 percent of the population, but 80% of the vote (due to the Electoral College working that way), blindside every other living creature, and give me a nasty shock at 6:25 AM yesterday. To put it bluntly, I'm ticked off at...something....but I don't know who or what to blame at this point. The other 80% of the Republican party, I guess. You had one job, adults.
        This election was a mess on all fronts. Trump wasn't supposed to get this far. His only platform was [insert non-Trump here]-ist madness. However, that is perfect for the Internet, whose denizens live off this stuff. That spread Trump farther and farther and so on, but not far enough...until Hillary showed up. Democrats got furious at Republicans and Republicans got furious at Democrats, until enough sat out of voting to let Trump win. Did anyone plan this? No. However, Trump's against Common Core, which I view as a huge plus (in comparison to the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 minuses...)
      I am quite excited to vote in the next election, as I feel that Trump will remove a few bad things and then a bunch of good things. After that, a light will shine down from the heavens, promising to reverse the bad and keep the good. That light will be the Democratic/Libertarian/whatever other party candidate. And I'll vote for them (unless this was a lot worse than I thought and...)
Okay, you know what? No more politics.

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