Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Blog For Week 10/26/15: Vango:Between Sky and Earth by Timothée de Fombelle

Prompts Used:How does the conflict drive character development?
Describe the setting’s time and place. Draw it.

      The book I am reading is Vango:Between Sky and Earth by Timothée de Fombelle. It is a historical fiction novel. Thus far, I have read from pages 1 to the end of it. Basically, the book is set in the 1930s and is about a character named Vango. He gets accused of murdering the man who is about to make him a priest (he didn't actually murder the priest) and flees. Along the way, we pick up several perspectives: Stalin's daughter, the inspector pursuing Vango, Vango's past, a Nazi-opposing German, and Vango's present. Each of the more irrelevant-looking plotlines actually relates to one of his pursuers.

    The book is set all over the US and Europe, in the 1930s, when international tensions have come to a head once again...

(That is a world map.)

    The conflict is Vango's pursuit. This drives character development to a new height. As each pursuer gets closer, the others become more human, more real. As they develop, Vango's backstory becomes more and more visible, and with it is revealed his true personality. Eventually, you are confused by each individually developed character and their timelines. You want to make a diagram showing what happened when. Unfortunately, public school days do not give time for such.

[No comments until revisions are done; it crashed my blog last time.]

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