Monday, November 2, 2015

First Quarter Reflection

This is my first quarter reflection blog.
      I am very far along in my 40 Book Challenge (as in probably read 40 books already, just forgot to log them). I still have yet to muster the courage to yank my nose out of my fiction and stick it in some nonfiction, unfortunately. However, I have found some gems of novels I would be happy to tell you about. If you have any interesting nonfiction you think I would like, put it in your comment.
      I have learned that gun violence and other sad things are rather prevalent in this world. This really says a lot about humanity. Sadly, this is not the impression I wish to cultivate to any extraterrestrials that may wish to visit. We need to fix the Middle East problems...and all the other ones.
      Moving away from that rather dark topic, my blogs have been getting more and more detailed as I write more of them. I also have figured out the exact number of spaces needed for a good indentation. (It's six, by the way.) I think my blogs are where they need to be.

It was a good quarter.

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