Thursday, December 3, 2015

Blog for Week 11/30/15: Outliers by Malcom Gladwell

      The book that will be the main focus of this blog is called Outliers, a nonfiction book by Malcolm Gladwell. Rather scripted introductions aside, onto the summary!
     Outliers is about success. However, instead of being just a book of success stories, it focuses on why these people were so successful. Is it more than hard work? Yes, in fact! Loads of different factors that you might not have thought of as significant contribute towards success in weird ways. This also indirectly shows the path to success in many fields, by looking back at it throughout history.
      One interesting passage I found was this: "To become a chess grandmaster also takes about ten years. And what's ten years? Well, it's roughly how long it takes to put in ten thousand hours of hard practice. Ten thousand hours is the magic number of greatness." This is interesting because I'd have thought you'd needed just natural talent to become a grandmaster of anything. Now I know better. I mean, I never would've guessed ten thousand. I wonder if this ten thousand hour rule works with science. 
      A rather interesting thing I learned was that IQ doesn't completely affect success. I mean, you would think that the more IQ you have, the better you're going to end up, right? Well, only up to a point. Once you hit that point though, anything more doesn't really matter. What you really need, as shown in the book, is savvy. Street smarts are crucial to navigating the world and using it to achieve your end goal. If you can't bend the world around you to help you achieve, you will not succeed.

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1 comment:

  1. Max, the type of writing you have created has so much emotion. You can see how much you are into the book. Another way was that you have this strong positive emotion created, which is a hard thing to do in writing. Very good work, Max.
