Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Final Blog For This Year (a reflection)

      It's the final countdown blog!! It's a reflection with nine questions to "really make us THINK!" I have no clever segue from one part to the next, so let's just go to this question: What advice would you give students who will be in this class next year? The advice I would give is, "Manage your time well, as you will never truly see ahead and the homework shows up out of nowhere frequently." Another thing to add is, "Never procrastinate or your evening is going to be overloaded with homework."  I would also say, "Make sure to check Edmodo nightly," as I need to remember that myself. The last piece of advice is a simple one: "Mrs. Larson's in-class parties are full of food, so make sure not to be full as you enter." Those three tips will help the new seventh graders survive and thrive (the survive part is a joke). 
       The next question to answer is What was the best piece of writing that you did this year? Why do you think it is your best? The best piece of writing I did was arguably "An Apology by a Toxic Metal" because it was the first time I'd ever written outside of my own point of view, and I liked it. Also, I did one of my favorite things: Bashing Trump. There was also the apologetic tone I took, which is another thing I don't do (most of my writing is happy or objective).  I should probably do that more often...hey, that just gave me an idea! Also, here's the link if you wish to see it.  Question three is Of the books you read this year, which was your favorite? Why? I would have to say The Dresden Files because it's set in Chicago, which makes landmarks more understandabl Also, Harry Dresden's a powerful detective/magical consultant who goes through enemies easily. The series is epic. Continuing along, question four happens to be What is something we did this year that you think you will remember for the rest of your life? The answer is that epic Christmas party we had. The way to my memories is through my stomach and that food was delicious. Also, any party in your class is epic because of the sheer amount of food we all end up bringing. However, this one will be the most lasting due to it being the first.
      I have decided that question five is What was the most challenging part of this year for you?
My answer:Somehow managing the homework. It was hard given my busy schedule, but I pulled it off by strategically dividing it according to this algorithm: Take homework, divide by days,  and rebalance so that you end up doing the minimum amount and it prevents overload on Thursday. If you need a picture demonstration of the algorithm, here you go:

       Advancing smoothly along, we have question six, which is What was the nicest thing someone in our class did for you this year? The nicest thing someone did for me this year was Anthony being my elevator buddy, as well as generally helping me out in class, as I can be a bit clueless sometimes. However, he never is. I hope we're seated next to each other next year, or it will be a very dull class.
Also, we are good pals and when we put our heads together, things get done. As we are nearing the end, I'm running out of segues, so here we are with question seven: What are the three most important things you learned this year? Those three are "don't toss papers unless the unit is over" (you keep referring back to them), "manage your time precisely" (I have an absurdly busy schedule), and "get stuff done so you don't cram and destroy your grade" (self-explanatory). Those three things have been the core tenets of this class since I got here, and probably have been and will be forever.
      Question eight is What is something you taught your teacher or classmates this year? I'd have to say "No matter how much class you miss due to abnormal circumstances, you can still be a good student." I miss much of this class (sorry, Mrs. Larson) and yet I still have respectable grades. However, I have seen other people in other classes just not do the work and not care, even though they were in class the entire time (which I find odd). Perhaps it's that they don't understand the significance of it...? Regardless, everyone here knows it now, and that should be enough
      The concluding question is In what area do you feel you made your biggest improvements? What is something you accomplished this year that you are proud of? I think my biggest improvements have been in research. Before this year I barely understood how to do respectable research, much less the point. But now, I can hammer out an essay with the research that would make [pick an essay writer] happy, if not proud. Something I'm proud of is my argumentative essay, because it was so much work that culminated in something well-written and worth reading. That is all from me, for now. See you next year, etc. Bye!

For now...

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